Monday, April 16, 2007

Quilt (show) In A Day

I've attended IQA's Spring Quilt Festival in Chicago since its inception. In the past, I've stayed for the duration, from preview night to Sunday afternoon. This year, I decided to join my friends on the local quilt guild's one-day bus trip.

We left Lansing, Michigan at 6:30 AM (EDT) and arrived at the Rosemont Convention Center just as the doors were opening at 10 AM (CDT). We left just as the show was closing at 7 PM and arrived home around midnight. It was a long day.

Rest stop DSCN8987.JPG

I was slowed down a little because I woke up with vertigo like I've not experienced for a couple years (since my spectacular auto accident), but I came prepared--with a list, by booth number, of must-see vendors and a spare one-time-use battery for my digital camera so I wouldn't run out of juice ... unfortunately that spare came out of it's package DOA, so my photo-taking was cut short. I did manage to take a few hundred photos before that unfortunate moment--the first of which, the quilts from the juried show, Celebrate Spring! I've uploaded to the Flickr set Celebrate Spring 2007.

It would be hard to pick favorites among the fabulous quilts in this exhibit, but two quilts by Barbara McKie had me walking away and wanting to learn more about disperse dyes. The disperse dyed polyester fabrics in her quilts were amazing.

Duel for My Dahlias

Duel for my Dahlias won an Honorable Mention ribbon.

Afternoon Seducton (detail)

Detail from McKie's quilt, Afternoon Seduction.

The range of interpretations of all the quilts which celebrate the season is impressive. Make yourself a cuppa and enjoy the show ...


Suze said...

Wow...thanks for the wonderful pictures. I even recognized some of the artists by their styles before the info card showed up!

Sorry the vertigo is back..that's got to be annoying...was the trip to the retreat the first time you flew since the accident??

sophie said...

Interesting question about flying. I hadn't considered that, but no, it wasn't the first time. I flew to Boston last fall with no side effects.

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